Hello! I hope you all have been doing well. Today, I want to talk about the topic of pursuing photography as a career, as well as participating in exhibitions and competitions. Photography might start out as a hobby and might even get as serious as making a decision to pursue it later in life.
There are some ways to earn money through photography. This does require having to go out of the comfort zone and start having to socialise, communicate and collaborate. Starting out, I think narrowing down would be the first step. Narrowing down your style of photography, what you specialise in, nature or people or food, etc. You could also keep a wider range and learn many styles in order to specialise in a lot of things and gain a wider audience and get more clients. After that, the social part comes in. Start socialising with businesses and take free promotional photos for them that they can profit from and you as well can share. Share these photos on social media accounts dedicated specifically to photography. This way you can start promoting your pictures by tagging the business and posting the pictures. This will add to the resume and is a small way to start out. Slowly, through more spreading and socialising and talking about your business and work as a photographer for hire, more clients will start approaching you. There are many things you could earn money off of from this, being a photographer for a magazine, doing fashion photography, food photography, etc. Another great way to earn money is to sell prints of your photographs. Try to find photo printing businesses around you or online that can help you sell tangible, proper, professional, prints of the pictures you have clicked. Sell these prints online by creating your own website. This will add even more things that will look good on your resume. These are some realistic ways to earn money.
What about getting recognition? How do you get distinguished for the work you have done? A great way to have an official document that states that you have been distinguished for doing something in photography is to participate in competitions and salons. Photography salons are the official term used when referring to competitions and exhibitions hosted by photography clubs and organisations that give out awards to photographers. These will allow you to face criticism, reflect as well as have healthy competition. These all are things that will help you grow. At one point, when you are good enough you will start winning some awards and getting recognition. There will always be room for improvement. These awards and distinctions will build up your resume even more and make people start trusting you in the industry. As more clients approach you, you will take on more opportunities, some big and some smaller. All these are ways to earn income. The more, the better, and the busier you will become. You will become immersed in the world of photography and you will keep doing things on the way. This will help you build a lifestyle as a photographer.
Thank you for checking out this article! If you have feedback for me, I would appreciate if you would fill out my form, contact me, or drop some in the comments. My next article will be talking about something a bit more personal than anything I've written about so far. It will come out on the 20th of November, so please look out!