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Photo formats - RAW and more...

Hello everyone! I hope you all have been doing well and have been taking care of yourselves. Winter is around the corner, and it's starting to get colder. Nonetheless, welcome back. Today I would like to talk about photograph formats. Especially about RAW, what it is in detail and what are the advantages as well as the disadvantages of shooting in this format. Now unfortunately for me, my camera does not support this file format and cannot shoot in it. However, I'm planning to upgrade as soon as the desired camera launches in my region, allowing me to shoot in RAW. For now though, I will share compiled internet and personal information about photograph formats. Let's start with RAW. What is RAW?

RAW is a type of file format that photographers can choose to shoot in if they wish to. Different cameras have their own RAW formats, for example Canon's is .CR2, Nikon's is .NEF, Apple iPhones use ProRAW and Sony uses .ARW. These file formats store the image data in an uncompressed way that allows for no quality loss. This allows editors to have a lot more freedom while editing these pictures in comparison to when shooting with a file format such as JPEG. RAW pictures have way more details. Shooting in RAW is better, all the way. Sounds too good to be true. Of course with this come disadvantages. In comparison to a JPEG, RAW files are significantly larger and take up a lot of space in storage. To add on to the disadvantages, RAW photos require editing in programs such as Lightroom before they can be shared.

In the end,

There are advantages as well as disadvantages to shooting in RAW. For those who want more control over pictures while editing, want detailed professional images, and can actually afford the storage as well as the editing time, shooting in RAW would be the best option. For people who want pictures that are ready to go right out of the camera, can be shared without spending time editing, and are smaller in size as well as easier to store, shooting in JPEG would be better.

And, for those who want the extra freedom, want to experiment, and can afford the storage, there is a specific mode. On a camera, there should be a format that lets you take the same picture in both photo formats. It's called "RAW + JPEG". It will take the same picture in both the formats, allowing you to have more freedom to experiment and understand the differences. This takes up even more storage, as it stores the same image in two different file formats, so if you are willing to sacrifice the storage, then go ahead!

Thank you for checking out this article! My next article comes out on the 13th of November and it will be talking about photography as a career as well as exhibitions and competitions.

Works Cited

Norah, Laurence. "WHAT IS RAW IN PHOTOGRAPHY, AND WHY SHOULD YOU SHOOT IN RAW?" Finding the Universe, 18 Feb. 2023, Accessed 4 Nov. 2023.

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